Anonymous Hall, Honorable Mention for The Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Awards 2022
“Now celebrating the 28th year, The American Architectural Awards® are the nation’s highest and most prestigious distinguished building awards program that honor new and cutting-edge design in the United States. This annual program, organized by both our institutions, also promotes American architecture and design to our public audience in the U.S. and abroad. This year, the Museum received a record number of projects for new buildings, landscape architecture, and urban planning from the most important firms practicing in the U.S. and globally.”
-The Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture
This year Anonymous Hall was recognized as a Honorable Mention. This project reuses and adds to a vacant 1960s library in the heart of the medical school quad, transforming it into a vibrant administrative and social center for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and a communal hub for the north campus. Part of a wider campus renewal plan, metrics show the project is close to net zero energy use.
Learn more about the project here.
View full list of winners here.